- Hang about (Stay, linger, or loiter):
- We decided to hang about in the park until the rain stopped.
- They like to hang about near the coffee shop, chatting with friends.
- He tends to hang about the train station, waiting for someone.
- Hang about (Spend time or be friends):
- We used to hang about together during our college days.
- They enjoy hanging about and exploring new places.
- She has a group of friends she hangs about with on weekends.
- Hang on (Wait a moment; hold, grasp, or grip; pay close attention; continually believe in something; to have faith in; persevere):
- Hang on a second, I'll be right back with your order.
- He hung on tightly to the rope as he descended the cliff.
- Hang on and listen carefully to the instructions.
- She hangs on to the hope that things will get better.
- You need to hang on and keep working towards your goals.
- Hang out (Spend time doing nothing in particular):
- We used to hang out at the mall after school.
- They enjoy hanging out at the beach on weekends.
- Let's just hang out and relax at home today.
- Hang out (Be unyielding; to hold out):
- The old building hangs out despite years of neglect.
- She hangs out against all odds and never gives up.
- The team hangs out in the final minutes of the game.
- Hang over (Be threatening; to be imminent):
- A sense of uncertainty hangs over the future of the company.
- The storm clouds hang over the city, ready to unleash heavy rain.
- The decision's outcome hangs over us, causing anxiety.
- Hang together (Be self-consistent):
- The arguments presented hang together and support the main thesis.
- The details of the story hang together without contradictions.
- His explanation didn't hang together and raised more questions.
- Hang up (Put up to hang; terminate a telephone call):
- Please hang up your coat on the hook by the door.
- She accidentally hung up the phone during the conversation.
- He decided to hang up and end the call after the argument.
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