The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde: Full Book Summary

Part 1: Introduction to Dorian Gray

  • In the stately London home of his aunt, Lady Brandon, the artist Basil Hallward meets Dorian Gray.
  • Dorian, a cultured and impossibly beautiful young man, captures Basil’s artistic imagination.
  • Basil paints several portraits of Dorian, depicting him as ancient Greek heroes or mythological figures.
  • Dorian’s first true portrait reveals Basil’s deep admiration but also disappoints him.
  • Lord Henry Wotton, a witty friend, joins them and influences Dorian.

Part 2: Dorian's Transformation

  • Dorian becomes enthralled with Lord Henry’s ideas on youth, beauty, and pleasure.
  • He falls in love with actress Sibyl Vane but cruelly ends their engagement.
  • Upon seeing his portrait sneering, Dorian fears his sins will manifest on canvas.
  • Sibyl’s tragic suicide impacts him deeply, prompting Dorian to hide the portrait.

Part 3: Descend into Corruption

  • Guided by a decadent book from Lord Henry, Dorian embraces a life of vice and corruption.
  • Over 18 years, rumors tarnish Dorian’s reputation, yet his youthful appearance remains unchanged.
  • The portrait, however, ages grotesquely, reflecting Dorian’s hidden depravity.

Part 4: Tragedy and Reckoning

  • Basil confronts Dorian about his scandals, leading to a fatal confrontation.
  • To hide his crime, Dorian manipulates a former friend and encounters Sibyl’s vengeful brother.
  • Haunted by guilt, Dorian tries to repent but finds hypocrisy in his desires.
  • In a fit of rage, he attempts to destroy the portrait, leading to a shocking discovery.
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