Phrasal Verbs with Hold

Master essential Phrasal Verbs for effective communication. Explore their versatile meanings and contexts to enhance your English skills. Hold back (Act with reserve; to contain one’s full measure or power): He always holds back his emotions and rarely shows his true feelings. She held back her true opinions during the meeting to avoid conflict. Don't hold back your creativity; express yourself freely. Hold back (Contain; stop): The dam was built to hold back the floodwaters. He struggled to hold back his tears at the emotional farewell. The police used barriers to hold back the crowd during the protest. Hold back (Delay the progress of, especially in school): He was held back a year in school due to academic difficulties. The student's poor attendance may hold him back from graduating. The lack of resources can hold back students' learning progress. Hold down (Restrain; to check): The strong winds were difficult to hold down the kite. He struggled to hold down his anger…