Marxist Literary Theory

Course Description: By conceiving of the economy in terms of private property rights, free trade, the laws of supply and demand, etc., as participants in a capitalist market economy, we come to justify and view capitalism economic relations as the correct way for things to be. This mode of thinking, according to Marx, is nothing more than ideology since it conceals the ubiquitous and destructive forms of exploitation, helplessness, and alienation that, in his opinion, characterise capitalism economic relations, even from those who experience them. In the field of literature, novels, poems and different literary texts are analysed in research under Marxist speculations. Marxist Critical Theory is also a literary theory in terms of its application in literary researches.

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Having completed this course you should be able to:
✓ Create works of literature in various genres, including, but not limited to: short story/fiction, creative nonfiction, drama, and poetry
✓ Correctly identify the basic elements of fiction and creative nonfiction.
✓ Gain an accurate vocabulary of prose terms.

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