The 370 GRE Words You Must Know

The 370 GRE Words You Must Know
Course Description: The "370 GRE Words You Must Know" course is designed to enhance students' vocabulary skills specifically for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), a standardized test widely used for graduate school admissions. This course focuses on teaching essential GRE vocabulary through carefully curated passages of writings. By studying and mastering these 370 words, students will be better prepared to understand and respond to the vocabulary-intensive sections of the GRE, such as reading comprehension, sentence equivalence, and text completion. Table of Contents: GRE Vocabulary Post Title Objectives Expand Vocabulary: The primary objective of this course is to expand students' vocabulary repertoire by introducing and teaching the 370 most important words frequently tested on the GRE. Students will learn their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and proper usage in context. Develop Contextual Understanding: Through the passages of writings, students will develop a s…