English for Job Preparation: Tests, Interviews, Quizzes & Past Papers

Course Description: Blogging 101 is a course for beginners to advanced students that covers a range of topics including finding a blogging platform, creating and publishing content, growing an audience, and monetizing a blog. The course also covers free widgets and codes, SEO optimization, and blogging tips to help students create and manage a successful blog. By the end of the course, students will have a strong foundation in the technical and creative aspects of blogging and the skills needed to succeed in the online world.

Having completed this course you should be able to:
✓ Create works of literature in various genres, including, but not limited to: short story/fiction, creative nonfiction, drama, and poetry
✓ Correctly identify the basic elements of fiction and creative nonfiction.
✓ Gain an accurate vocabulary of prose terms.

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