Rise of the Novel (18th to 19th century)

Rise of the Novel (18th to 19th century)
Course Title: Rise of the Novel (18th to 19th century) Level: BS 4th Course Code: ELL209 Course Description This course aims to introduce the students to the origin and development of relatively late-emerging genre of novel. It has been designed with a view to developing their understanding how novel is different from other genres of literature, poetry and drama. The students are given an indepth understanding of the making and mechanics of a novel, the role of narrator, narrative styles and techniques, and the art of characterization. The teacher is also expected to explain how a full-length fictional prose narrative is different from flash fiction, short story and novella. Discussing the emergence of novel since eighteenth century, this course brings out the significance of this genre as discussed, for example, in great detail in Ian Watt’s seminal book, Rise of the Novel (1955). While teaching novel, teachers are supposed to consult and have a sound understanding of some of the gro…