Introduction to Critical Pedagogy
Level: BS 7th
Course Code: ELL401
Course Description: under construction... Course Objectives This course aims to enable students to:
develop an understanding of research terminology
create awareness of the ethical principles of research, ethical
challenges and approval processes
differentiate among quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods
approaches to research
learn the steps involved in research process
identify the components of a literature review process
understand the difference between research paper, thesis and
book writing
develop knowledge about different components of a synopsis and
a research paper
Course Contents Critical Pedagogy: Brief History of the Discipline
Paulo Freire, Giroux, Ira Shor, Kinchole
Past, Present and future (with special reference to Pakistan)
The role of Critical Pedagogy in Education
In Curriculum Development
In Character Building
The Need to develop Critical Pedagogy in Teacher education.
The role of Critical Pedagogy in Li…