I syng of a mayden: Poem, Analysis, Themes & Sound Devices
I syng of a mayden: Poem, Analysis, Themes & Sound Devices
"I syng of a mayden" is a beautiful Middle English lyric poem, written in the 15th century. The poem celebrates the Virgin Mary, emphasizing her purity and divine role as the mother of Jesus Christ. The poem is a fusion of devotion, reverence, and awe, capturing the essence of Marian worship common in medieval England. The lyric uses the metaphor of dew falling silently to symbolize the miraculous and gentle incarnation of Christ, emphasizing Mary’s role as both mother and maiden, a theological cornerstone of Christian belief. Middle English Original
I syng of a mayden
That is makeles,
King of alle kinges
To here sone che chees.
He cam also stille
Ther his moder was
As dew in Aprylle,
That fallyt on the gras.
He cam also stille
To his modres bowr
As dew in Aprylle,
That falleth on the flowr.
He cam also stille
Ther his moder lay
As dew in Aprylle,
That falleth on the spray.
Moder & mayden
Was nevere noon but she:
Well may swich a la…