Foundations of Literary Theory & Criticism

Foundations of Literary Theory & Criticism
Course Title: Foundations of Literary Theory & Criticism Level: BS 5th Course Code: ELL302 Course Description This course introduces some of the most vital debates in the tradition of English literary criticism from Plato and Aristotle in the Greek times to T. S. Eliot in early twentieth century. Equipped with the ability of analyzing and appreciating this literary tradition through all these centuries, the students would be able to grasp arguments in classical and romantic schools of literary criticism, represented by critics like Samuel Johnson, Mathew Arnold, T. S. Eliot, and F. R. Leavis on the one hand, and Philip Sidney, Wordsworth, and Coleridge on the other. That would help students be conversant with ‘practical criticism’ / ‘close reading’ and ideas-led’ criticism respectively. By concentrating on this rich canonical tradition, students will be able to learn how each generation of critics has responded to critical theorizing and creative works of not only their own time…