Learn /b/ sound in Phonetics

The "B" sound, represented by the symbol /b/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), is a voiced bilabial plosive. This means that the sound is produced by bringing both lips together, then releasing a burst of air while vibrating the vocal cords. It is a common sound in English, appearing in words like bat , big , and cab . To deepen your understanding of phonetics and improve your pronunciation, check out our course Accent Reduction: Phonetics & Phonology in Praxis available in English Lab . Explore various resources and exercises to enhance your language skills. Place of Articulation for the "B" Sound in IPA Phonetics The "B" sound, represented by the symbol /b/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), is classified as a voiced bilabial plosive. This means: Voiced: The vocal cords vibrate when producing the sound. Bilabial: The sound is produced by bringing both lips together, blocking the airflow momentarily before releasing it. Plosive: It is …