Understanding Gynocriticism in Literary Studies

Gynocriticism emerged in the late 1970s as a response to the male-centric perspectives that dominated literary criticism. This approach, championed by scholars like Elaine Showalter , seeks to address the marginalization of women writers and their voices. By focusing on women's literature, gynocriticism aims to uncover the unique contributions of female authors, explore their themes and styles, and challenge the traditional literary canon that often overlooks their work. Critique of Male-Centric Literary Criticism Prior to the rise of gynocriticism, literary criticism was predominantly male-dominated, with influential critics such as Raymond Williams , Terry Eagleton , and Harold Bloom . Feminist theory was often isolated and misinterpreted, leading to the neglect of female authors and their works, which were frequently analyzed through a male lens. Differentiating Feminist Critique and Gynocriticism In her essay “Toward a Feminist Poetics,” Elaine Showalter distinguishes…