The Ant and the Grasshopper: Summary & Analysis

Introduction to Maugham’s Modern Twist Written in 1924, Somerset Maugham’s short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” offers a unique and humorous reinterpretation of the classic fable by Aesop. In his story, Maugham presents a lively exploration of the characters George and Tom Ramsay, two brothers embodying the classic archetypes of the hard-working ‘ant’ and the carefree ‘grasshopper.’ Through their differences, Maugham invites readers to reconsider the conventional moral associated with the original fable. Rather than showing a clear division between diligence and laziness, Maugham’s portrayal of George and Tom reveals the complexities and nuances of human character, asking readers to ponder if life’s outcomes are truly as simple as ‘work leads to happiness’ or if luck and personality play their own roles in the unfolding of destiny. The Original Fable: Aesop and La Fontaine’s Classic Tale To better understand Maugham’s story, it is helpful to first look at the origins of the fable. Th…