Of Envy, Francis Bacon: Summary, Analysis & Themes

Summary of "Of Envy" by Francis Bacon In his essay Of Envy , Francis Bacon explores the nature and effects of envy. He begins by comparing envy to love, stating that both are affections that can fascinate and bewitch, particularly through the eye. Bacon observes that envy often arises when someone witnesses the success or glory of another, stirring feelings of jealousy and resentment. He explains that envy works subtly and continuously, making it a dangerous and pervasive emotion. Key Points and Analysis Categories of People Prone to Envy Those lacking virtue : Bacon states that individuals who lack virtue in themselves often envy those who possess it. They either focus on others’ faults or resent their success. "A man that hath no virtue in himself ever envieth virtue in others." Inquisitive individuals : People who spend time investigating others' lives tend to envy them. Their curiosity about others leads them to compare fortunes. "A man that is busy and in…

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