Imagine Our Revolution: Anthem of Libertarian Socialism

Imagine a world where we're all free,
Autonomy flows like the open sea,
No hierarchy; no slave, no master’s claim,
Just every heart playing its own game.

We’re dreaming of a world where all are one,
Where freedom reigns, and hierarchies are undone,
From the ashes of the old, we rise,
In this new world, we claim the skies.

Picture a land of free association,
Where direct democracy fuels the nation,
Horizontality guides our way,
In popular assemblies, we each have a say.

We’re dreaming of a world where all are one,
Where freedom reigns, and hierarchies are undone,
From the ashes of the old, we rise,
In this new world, we claim the skies.

Mutual aid, the force that grows,
Building a future, where everyone knows,
Power corrupts, as Proudhon said,
In worker co-ops, our visions are met.

Municipalize and take command,
In neighborhood councils, we make our stand,
Prefigurative politics leads the way,
Building socialism from the ground today.

We’re dreaming of a world where all are one,
Where freedom reigns, and hierarchies are undone,
From the ashes of the old, we rise,
In this new world, we claim the skies.

So let’s come together, hand in hand,
Creating a future, where we all stand,
Imagine the change, imagine the light,
In our revolution, we’ll shine so bright.

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