Blodewedd by John Montague

At the least touch of your fingertips I break into blossom, my whole chemical composition transformed. I sprawl like a grassy meadow fragrant in the sun; at the brush of your palm, all my herbs and spices spill open frond by frond, lured to unfold and exhale in the heat; wild strawberries rife, and pimpernels flagrant and scarlet, blushing down their stems. To mow that rushy bottom; no problem. All winter I waited silently for your appeal. I withered within, dead to all, curled away, and deaf as clay, all my life forces ebbing slowly till now I come to, at your touch, revived as from a deathly swoon. Your sun lightens my sky and a wind lifts, like God’s angel, to move the waters, every inch of me quivers before your presence, goose-pimples I get as you glide over me, and every hair stands on end. Hours later I linger in the ladies toilet, a sweet scent wafting from all my pores, proof positive, if a sign were needed, that at the …