Some Quotations by Mason Carter

Love annihilates and devours you empty, and then fills you with madness.
-Mason Carter
But having no relation at all.. I believe is also a relationship in itself, a never ending, never breaking relationship of nothingness.
-Mason Carter
You can not even imagine what I have to go through every f–king moment just to stay sane.
-Mason Carter
Secret of being strong?
I don’t expect. Expectations hurt. If I ever expect, I expect the worst.
-Mason Carter
But so far what I figured out is that I desire you and this desire I fear if gets intensified into a need.
-Mason Carter
Mutuality of the suffering and grief is the only ingredient which brings us closer.
-Mason Carter
You can truly love others, only when you begin to despise yourself.
-Mason Carter
Suffering alone is the key to maturity.
-Mason Carter
Life is misery and acceptance of this fact is the only way to lessen all the misery.
-Mason Carter
I hear my dark hermits screeching insanity to break the morbid sepulchers that held me bound for ages.
-Mason Carter
Having a critical and rational approach with skeptic glasses while diving into intricate complexities of the issue at hand is how I would define intellectuality.
-Mason Carter
No one really knows what hatred means until one hates oneself..
-Mason Carter
My passion is to seek the truth and plan a beautiful world…
-Mason Carter
Everything changes but pain and change itself.
-Mason Carter
Pain is truth and truth is pain because everything changes but change itself and the pain.
- Mason Carter
Fragile human beings, how do we manage to feel invincible and immortal; we desire more than we need on cost of many dying.
-Mason Carter
There have been nights when before going to bed all I ever wished for was to never wake up again.
-Mason Carter

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