Phrasal Verbs with Wash

Discover the diverse meanings of Phrasal Verbs related to washing. Explore eliminating, swallowing, removing, canceling, affecting emotions, and more.

Phrasal Verbs with Wash: Meanings, and Example Sentences

  • Wash away: Eliminate or destroy by fast-moving water, such as in a flood or a high sea; eliminate in a figurative sense.
    1. The heavy rain washed away the bridge, causing a road closure.
    2. The floodwaters washed away all evidence of the small village.
    3. Time will wash away the painful memories and bring healing.
  • Wash down: Help to swallow by drinking a liquid, after eating something or taking a pill; wash something completely from top to bottom.
    1. She washed down the medication with a glass of water.
    2. After a meal, it's refreshing to wash it down with a cold beverage.
    3. The cleaning crew washed down the entire building to remove dirt and grime.
  • Wash off: Remove (or be removed) by washing.
    1. You can easily wash off the mud from your shoes with water and soap.
    2. The rain washed off the chalk drawings on the sidewalk.
    3. Apply the stain remover and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Wash out: Remove something by washing; wear away by the flow of water; cancel due to bad weather; lose traction while going around a turn.
    1. She washed out the stains from the fabric using a strong detergent.
    2. Over time, the constant flow of water can wash out the soil and create erosion.
    3. The outdoor event had to be washed out due to heavy rain.
    4. The cyclist lost control and washed out on the slippery curve.
  • Wash over: Pass unnoticed so that one is unaffected by it; affect the emotions of a person suddenly and overwhelmingly; surge over the banks or other retaining structure.
    1. The criticism didn't wash over him; he remained unaffected and confident.
    2. A sense of joy and relief washed over her when she heard the good news.
    3. The waves washed over the sand, leaving seashells in their wake.
  • Wash up: Clean the utensils, dishes, etc. used in preparing and eating a meal; wash one's hands and/or face, often around mealtimes; carry an object to land.
    1. After cooking, it's important to wash up the pots and pans.
    2. We should wash up before sitting down to eat.
    3. The tide washed up driftwood and seashells on the shore.
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