Phrasal Verbs and Example Sentences:
- Speak for:
- As a lawyer, she often speaks for her clients in court.
- The empty seats speak for the lack of interest in the event.
- Her actions speak for her dedication to the cause.
- Speak for oneself:
- Each person should speak for oneself when expressing personal opinions.
- I can speak for myself and say that I disagree with that statement.
- Her success speaks for itself and needs no further explanation.
- Speak of:
- The impressive architecture speaks of the city's rich history.
- The dark clouds speak of an approaching storm.
- His actions speak of his true character.
- Speak out:
- She bravely speaks out against injustice in society.
- We should feel empowered to speak out about issues that matter to us.
- It's important to speak out and make our thoughts known.
- Speak to:
- The film's emotional theme speaks to the struggles many can relate to.
- His words speak to the importance of kindness and compassion.
- The painting speaks to the artist's profound love for nature.
- Speak up:
- Please speak up so everyone in the back can hear you.
- It's essential to speak up and voice your opinions in meetings.
- She decided to speak up for her rights and demand fair treatment.
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