Phrasal Verbs with Knock

Discover the versatility of Phrasal Verbs in English. Learn their meanings and usage to enhance your language skills and communication. Knock about (Spend time companionably; to hang around): We used to knock about the neighborhood together when we were kids. They enjoy knocking about the park and playing frisbee. He and his friends like to knock about and explore new places on weekends. Knock about (Engage in a relaxing activity in; to hang around in): We decided to knock about the garden and enjoy the sunny weather. They often knock about the kitchen and experiment with new recipes. She likes to knock about her studio and create art in her free time. Knock about (Be located in or mislaid in): I think I left my keys knocking about somewhere in the house. His wallet was knocking about in his backpack all this time. She found the missing documents knocking about in a drawer. Knock about (Hit or behave violently towards): He was involved in a fight and got knocked about by the other gu…