Pawar, B.S.'s "Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies" provides some useful tips for formulating a thesis in organizational studies:
- Identify a research gap: The first step in formulating a thesis is to identify a research gap in the existing literature on the topic. This could be a gap in understanding, a gap in the application of a particular theory, or a gap in the empirical evidence on a particular topic. (Pawar, 2010)
- Develop a research question: Based on the identified research gap, develop a research question that will guide the study. The research question should be clear and concise, and should focus on a specific aspect of the research problem. (Pawar, 2010)
- Review the existing literature: Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature on the topic to identify what is already known and to identify any gaps in the research that your study could address. (Pawar, 2010)
- Develop a theoretical framework: Develop a theoretical framework that will guide the study and provide a structure for understanding the research problem. The theoretical framework should be based on existing theories and should be relevant to the research question. (Pawar, 2010)
- Formulate a hypothesis: Based on the research question and the theoretical framework, formulate a hypothesis that predicts the outcome of the study. The hypothesis should be clear and concise, and should be testable through the collection and analysis of data. (Pawar, 2010)
- Choose an appropriate research design: Choose an appropriate research design that will allow you to test the hypothesis and answer the research question. The research design should be chosen based on the nature of the research problem and the research question, and should be appropriate for collecting and analyzing the data. (Pawar, 2010)
Pawar, B. S. (2010). Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies. Journal of Management, 36(1), 256-279.
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