The Marxist Conception of Ideology: Repressive and Nonrepressive Ideologies
The Marxist Conception of Ideology: Repressive and Nonrepressive Ideologies
Marxist concept of ideology refers to a body of thoughts and precepts, a belief system in short, that is always product of cultural conditioning. To Marx ideologies are either repressive or nonrepressive. The repressive ideologies are clothed as natural way of thinking and they predominate in society and are utilised to defend the privilege and power of the ruling class.
For example: Capitalism, communism, marxism, patriarchy, patriotism, ethical systems, and environmentalism are all ideologies.
Repressive Ideologies In order to gain public acceptability for their repressive political agendas, damaging ideologies disguise themselves as natural ways of perceiving the world rather than admitting that they are ideologies. For Example The sexist ideology claims: "Men naturally take on leadership roles as they are more physically, cognitively, and emotionally adept than women thanks to their biological superiority.
Repressive ideologies impede us from comprehendi…