Course Description: The course introduces the basics of the research to the undergraduate students. It includes language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. It is designed to assist students understand the difference between different forms of research writings like book, thesis and research paper.
Course Objectives
- This course aims to enable students to:
- develop an understanding of research terminology
- create awareness of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes
- differentiate among quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research
- learn the steps involved in research process
- identify the components of a literature review process
- understand the difference between research paper, thesis and book writing
- develop knowledge about different components of a synopsis and a research paper
Course Contents
- Introduction to Research: The Wh-Questions of Research (What? Why? Who, Where? How?)
- The Research Process: An Overview of the Steps Involved in Conducting Research
- Research methods: Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed method research
- 23 Data Collection Methods in Qualitative Research
- 30 Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques
- Become a Research Pro: Understanding the Key Concepts, Constructs, Variables, and Definitions
- Mastering Thesis Formulation: Insights from Pawar, B.S.
- Mastering the Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide for Researchers
- Comparing Research Papers, Theses, and Books: Key Differences to Know
- The Essential Components of a Synopsis: A Complete Guide
- Exploring the Importance of Research Ethics in Modern Society
- Research paper formatting: MLA and APA
MLA Formating
- Mastering MLA 9 Citation: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers
- MLA Style Made Easy: A 9-Step Guide to Formatting Your Document
Research Tools
Further Readings
- Bhattacherjee, Anol. (2012). Social Science Research: Principles, Methods and Practices. University of South Florida.
- Bryman, Alan & Bell, Emma (2011). Business Research Methods (Third Edition), Oxford University Press.
- Chawla, Deepak & Sondhi, Neena (2011). Research methodology: Concepts and cases, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
- Creswell, J. W. (2014) . Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 4th Ed.. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Kerlinger, F.N., & Lee, H.B. (2000). Foundations of Behavioural Research (Fourth Edition), Harcourt Inc.
- Rubin, Allen & Babbie, Earl (2009). Essential Research Methods for Social Work, Cengage Learning Inc., USA.
- Pawar, B.S. (2009). Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies, Response Books, New Delhi.
- Neuman, W.L. (2008). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, Pearson Education.
- Walliman, Nicholas. (2001). Your Research Project. Sage Publications.
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