Democratic Governance (Issue, Literature & Actor In The Area)

Democratic Governance (Issue, Literature & Actor In The Area)
PKR. 1030 (Free Delivery in Pakistan) Product Material, Product Type, Size, Package Included Product Material Flexible Paper Product Type Political & History Books Size A5 Package Included 1 x Democratic Governance (Issue, Literature & Actor In The Area) Product Code MZ58302369KHBKS Product will be sent with Cash on Delivery by default, within 4 to 5 working days Delivery Charges included in the price. Place an order on ' whatsapp ' : Democratic Governance (Issue, Literature & Actor In The Area) is an insightful exploration of the complexities of governance, political literature, and influential actors within the democratic framework. This book delves into critical issues affecting democratic systems and examines the theoretical and practical dimensions of governance in various contexts. This A5-sized book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the political and historical landscape shaping modern democratic governance. It's an essential read for those interested…