6 Tips for Formulating Effective Research Questions

When formulating research questions, it is important to ensure that they are clear, specific, and focused on a particular topic or issue. Here are some rules to consider when formulating research questions:
  1. Make sure the research question is relevant and addresses a gap in current knowledge or understanding.
  2. Keep the research question narrow and focused, rather than attempting to answer too broad of a question.
  3. Use clear and specific language to avoid ambiguity or confusion.
  4. Avoid using jargon or technical terms unless they are necessary for the research question.
  5. Consider the feasibility of the research question, including the availability of data and resources.
  6. Use appropriate research methods to answer the research question, such as qualitative or quantitative methods.
For example, a clear and specific research question might be "What is the impact of social media usage on the mental health of adolescents?" while a broad and vague question might be "What are the effects of technology on young people?" (Drew, 2019).

Drew, P. (2019). How to write a research question. The University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/library-museum-gallery/learning-teaching/learning-advice/writing/research-questions

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